Novita löysi osaajan verkkokauppa-alustan uudistuksesta syntyneeseen tehtävään
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
Helsinki & Turku
Autumn 2020
Are you looking for a new expert for international business tasks? Would you like to find a motivated person with a passion to develop their own skills?
During the six-month-long recruiting training program, the training participants will work for the company while updating their skills in international business, marketing and sales through a comprehensive training held by professional trainers.
For this training period a training contract will be signed and at the end of the program the expert can be hired without a separate recruitment fee.
An easy way to recruit and train
The aim of the program is to recruit the expert after the training program. During the International Business Talent F.E.C. program the participant will become acquainted with e.g. the foundations of international business, creation of internationalization strategy, and the means of digital marketing and sales as a promoter for internationalization.
Applicants include a wide range of experts with different commercial and technical educational backgrounds (e.g. Bachelor of Business Administration, Economics, M.Sc., ICT, engineers). Among them are both recently graduated experts at the beginning of their career and more experienced professionals making a career change.
The applicants aim for both supportive and specialist tasks. They all have two things in common: solid motivation to develop their skills and the willingness to take the next step in their career!
Account & Project Manager, Recruitment Services (Varsinais-Suomi)
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
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