Novita löysi osaajan verkkokauppa-alustan uudistuksesta syntyneeseen tehtävään
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
We are growing new professionals for international business roles through International Business Talent F.E.C training program. The training program combines on-the-job learning with training for six months. During the program, the selected candidate will work with tasks defined by your company and participate in training sessions conducted by industry experts. The partially customizable training content ensures that the candidate can grow according to your company's specific needs. The aim of the program is to educate new talent for you company's needs.
Through the program, you can find professionals to fill roles in marketing, and sales, as well as various business and technical positions. The roles can vary from supporting tasks to demanding specialist assignments, depending on your needs.
During the training program, the participant will be engaged under a training contract. As the candidate is not employed by your company, there are no payroll costs incurred. The cost for the six-month training program is €9,000 (+VAT) per selected candidate. Our goal is to grow a new professional for your company's needs, whom you can hire without additional recruitment fee.
Tell us what kind of professional you are looking for!
Interviews: August-September
Candidate selection: November
Training starts: November
Program duration: Six months
International Business Talent F.E.C is implemented in collaboration with Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) and employment services.
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
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