Novita löysi osaajan verkkokauppa-alustan uudistuksesta syntyneeseen tehtävään
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
Application deadline 22.11.2021
Are you good at problem solving and communication? Are you an organized person? This is your chance to become a certified project management professional and find a future career!
Several Finnish companies are looking for new talents through the Project & IT Service Management F.E.C. recruitment and training program. The aim of the program is to strengthen and certify your project management skills through a six-month training program and to get a job. The program also includes a chance to complete Prince2 Foundation certificate. Apply now and start a new career in IT field!
Companies from various sectors (e.g. the IT industry) are looking for both fresh new talent and more experienced professionals. The companies aim to recruit the participants after the program.
Your role during and after program can be e.g.
Companies are looking for new talents to grow into these roles, so you don’t need to be experienced professional yet.
Six-month long program includes 20 days of training hosted by experienced project management and other professionals with focus on developing your Project & IT Service Management skills. You also have the possibility to choose one from the following training modules: Prince2 Foundation Framework & certification or ITIL 4 Foundation Framework & certification. Teaching is in English, Limited Professional Proficiency expected.
Main training modules:
Trainings will take place in Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
You should have an interest towards developing yourself and becoming a IT project management professional. You are eligible to apply if you are currently unemployed or your employment is ending.
In addition, applicants are required to have a suitable university degree (eg. Engineer, M.Sc., Bachelor of Science in IT) or alternatively a lower lever IT degree and work experience in the IT sector. The requirements of the companies vary a lot depending on their needs and respective industries.
This program is a labor-market training program. During the training, you can apply for unemployment benefit (ansiopäiväraha, peruspäiväraha or työmarkkinatuki) to which you are entitled to when you are unemployed. In addition, you can also apply for claim compensation for work and training days.
To be eligible for the program, you need to fill in the TE Services application at their website and leave your details to Talentgate’s application system.
We will introduce your profile to the companies who will interview you if your skills meet their needs. To get a place in the training program requires that we find you a partner company for the on-the-job training.
Interviews and selections in the recruiting companies start already during the application period so you need to be quick to secure your place!
The training starts on Monday 13th of December and last for six months including a holiday period 21.2.-25.2.2021.
Vuonna 1928 perustettu Pohjoismaiden suurin käsityölankojen valmistaja Novita Oy oli verkkokaupan uudistusprojektin kynnyksellä,...
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