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Tytti Johanna Himanen alkoi etsiä uutta suuntaa ja erilaisia koulutusmahdollisuuksia jäädessään pois markkinointisuunnittelijan...
Application deadline 2.3.2023
Do you have an analytical mind-set and a can-do attitude? Have you dreamed of working in the game & app industry? Games and Apps UA Talent training program is your gateway to a career in the game & app industry!
Several Finnish gaming and mobile app companies need fresh talent to boost their User Acquisition as well as Data Analytics, Engagement, Retention and Monetization. Companies are therefore ready to invest in the training and development of new talents and this is where we at Talentgate are ready to help. In collaboration with Google we aim to grow new user acquisition talents for companies' needs through Games & Apps UA Talent recruitment training program.
The 4,5 month program combines on-the-job learning with trainings. During the program you will work full-time in the recruiting company except for the training days held by Google and industry professionals. The roles and requirements vary from company to company, but are all related to User Acquisition, Data Analytics, Community Management (incl. Player Support) and Marketing in general.
Among the companies looking for new talents are:
We want you to get the best possible start to your career in the games and apps industry. To accomplish that, we have built a training program held by industry professionals and Google that cannot be found anywhere else. During the training you will learn about the mobile growth stack including e.g F2P, metrics, analytics, monetization, engagement, retention, CPI, MAU, ARPU, LTV, IAP, and a lot more. We don’t expect for you to already know about these things, but we expect you to be willing to invest in your development.
Training days include following topics:
Companies are looking for talents who have an interest in the game and/or app industry, can-do attitude, and good English language skills. Most of the roles also require an analytical mind-set. The field of User Acquisition is in constant change so you also need to be ready to take on new skills to be able to stay on the forefront.
You can either have a technical, business oriented, mathematical or other relevant educational background. Understanding of data-oriented marketing and/or mathematical skills are considered as a plus. The training will be held in English and most of the companies involved do not require Finnish language skills. You can either be recently graduated or more experienced professional, the most important thing is your motivation to learn about the industry and willingness to develop your skills.
This is a labour market training program. You are eligible to apply if you are currently unemployed or your employment is ending. During the program, you can apply for unemployment benefit (ansiopäiväraha, peruspäiväraha or työmarkkinatuki) to which you are entitled to when you are unemployed. In addition, you can also apply for claim compensation for work and training days.
Apply now to begin your journey to becoming a User Acquisition professional! Interviews and selections in the recruiting companies start already during the application period so you need to be quick to secure your place!
How to apply?
We will introduce your profile to the companies who will interview you if your skills meet their needs. To get a place in the training program requires that we find you a partner company for the on-the-job training.
The last day to apply is 2nd of March!
The program starts on Friday 31st of March and last for 4,5 months.
Natalia Shevchen / UA Specialist, Wolt Enterprises Oy
NM / ASO Consultant, Phiture
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